For a standing army we (The People) never wanted? To go and kill other people for their resources?
For giant taxes on our INCOMES (that WE also never wanted) to pay for the Standing Army and deep pockets of politicians?
For many many many LAWS telling us what we can't do with our own lives, and for lots of licenses for things we don't need to be licensed for, and simply for generating FUNDS for courts and all the attorneys who are sworn to uphold the Crown Corporation?
While our Social Security (ha ha, "security") is raided on a regular basis, and nobody does anything about it, so our elders live in squalor or poverty, but still have to pay for the despicably horrible "health care system"?
Okay, that's just the START of my frenzied BARKING. lol
Yes, these are exactly the suggestions Iām hoping pave a new path!! Critical Middle for the win!!!š
I am more of an analyst, observer and idea person than an activist. With a little magic, an activist or two will pick this up!
Tack on to that making it illegal (once again!) for direct-to-consumer marketing by drug companies.
I'd like to end the Federal Govt. What the hell good is it?
It can definitely be streamlined! Why should govt be exempt from becoming more efficient?
But WHY do we NEED it at all????
For a standing army we (The People) never wanted? To go and kill other people for their resources?
For giant taxes on our INCOMES (that WE also never wanted) to pay for the Standing Army and deep pockets of politicians?
For many many many LAWS telling us what we can't do with our own lives, and for lots of licenses for things we don't need to be licensed for, and simply for generating FUNDS for courts and all the attorneys who are sworn to uphold the Crown Corporation?
While our Social Security (ha ha, "security") is raided on a regular basis, and nobody does anything about it, so our elders live in squalor or poverty, but still have to pay for the despicably horrible "health care system"?
Okay, that's just the START of my frenzied BARKING. lol
Broken mechanical systems can usually be fixed. Politics (invented by humans) can never be fixed. It's nature is to deceive, contaminate and destroy.