I love that you both are dreaming new systems of wellcare into being by grounding them in practicality!

Keeping oneself healthy is definitely a DIY, out-of-pocket situation that can be confusing as well as wreck the budget. I only use allopathic medical practitioners for a physical trauma or life-threatening situation. Otherwise, it's off to my roundtable of holistic practitioners and a quick survey of my holistic-minded friends, one of whom is bound to guide me to my next step.

Health mentors would be such an amazing support for someone overwhelmed with a new diagnosis. I think it's wonderful to have a mentor who's traveled a similar path who can guide you specifically regarding your condition. I would also add that health mentors who are generalists would also add value.

As an intuitive spiritual counselor, I often pick up on important signals that lead me to educate a client about the systems that underpin so-called alternative treatments because they're related to energy. I may not be able to guide them specifically regarding their exact diagnosis, but I can usually educate them about how to think about wellness and dis-ease, and suggestions for how to find their own roundtable (some of whom must be local v. remote) to support their wellness going forward.

This is uplifting! I look forward to diving into more of your work when time allows. Katie

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Thank you so much Katie!

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Apr 13Liked by The Critical Middle

So interesting that the incentive bonus for the last quarter either doubled or quintupled from earlier.

I love your idea of health mentors! I can think of so many applications off the top of my head, or the need for them.

I think that all insurances raise the cost of the service because people don't care, since they're not paying it, and it makes them feel like they 'cheated the system.' And then it makes people more dependent on insurance, so they can charge whatever they want for it.

My economic system in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, has distributed dividends targeted for different local goods and services. One of these is wellcare, which is just about anything except life-or-death medical care. In order to accept the subsidies as payment, a provider can't exceed a maximum hourly rate. This prevents monopolies.

I've pictured wellness advocates, who can connect people to resources. And health mentors are a great idea!

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wow I need to check out your book! seems you have put some serious thought into a better system. love that!

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Apr 13Liked by The Critical Middle

I'm linking your two articles on The Smoldering Rage of the Unvaccinated in an episode I'm doing today called Max Vax Madness. Do you use your first name publicly or should I not?

They're so heartbreaking and beautifully written. They express so deeply what I wanted to say in this piece.

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Thank you! I do not use my name publicly. sadly, because we live in a world where expressing my opinions can get me fired and make it difficult to get jobs.

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Apr 13Liked by The Critical Middle

No problem, glad I asked!

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Huge gratitude for sharing my links!

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Great article, and I enjoyed reading your earlier pieces about your own health journey. I think the peer to peer health mentoring platform is an excellent idea, and especially taking it away from Facebook where the censor's eye is always on discussions. I also think we can and should be building a culture of health resilience, where people learn enough about basic healing modalities (e.g. first aid, homeopathy, herbs, etc) to take charge of their own health for most things. Then health practitioners become more like community educators and specialists for tricky cases, rather than being the go-to for every health problem - paternalistic gods who control and guide all health decisions. Mutual sharing of how to make foods and drinks to promote health (e.g. ferments), along with food growing to produce more nutritious, wholesome foods, would also contribute to this empowerment. What we are talking about is nothing new - it is what our great-grandparents and earlier generations did for thousands of years, particularly in rural communities.

Another idea that I have had since Covid is for communities to create not-for-profit mutual health funds that individuals make a small regular contribution to. This pool can then be used when an individual experiences acute or chronic illness to help reduce their expenses. This would make it easier for more people to use holistic health care that is not government subsidised, and would build the culture of mutual aid that I think will be vital for transitioning to decentralised, organic communities. Again, this is not a new idea: before the advent of government-funded health care and welfare, mutual aid societies were the means by which people banded together to protect families where the breadwinner was unable to work for a period of time or permanently due to illness or injury.

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Ooooo, you got something there. I have to go back and read the other links you shared. I love that you’re thinking about needs expressed in a parallel way- integrating within the world we already inhabit. Sometimes great ideas get lost in a reality not immediately available to us, but this could happen now. Very cool.

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Thanks so much for the support 💕

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Apr 23Liked by The Critical Middle

Thank you for the wisdom and insight offered in your writing. I have suspected something wrong with the US Healthcare (sic) system fully confirmed during COVID. The corrupt and extractive nature of the system has been exposed by some in alternative media I personally believe many lives are destroyed for each one saved by modern medicine.


More the 20 years now I have been using and referring others the a book called Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F Baluch, MD and Phyllis A Baluch C.N.C. A great reference book; look up the ailment and get vitamin and nutritional recommendations.

Your idea of a healthcare mentoring system is brilliant, sort of like a selection of health gurus to offer suggestions and guidance.

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Thank you! I own a few natural healing books. Will check out the one you recommend

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Apr 14Liked by The Critical Middle

Hi CM, I love this idea of health mentors. I have, in the last 10 yrs. or so, often wished for just such an individual, or a service, to consult with for advice, or at least to point me in a particular direction. I never had much success. I admire your intention to serve the common good, and especially that you are following your inspiration and your instincts. Not to mention your courage in sharing your ideas, naïve or not, in such an open way. I’ve also been called an idealist, as if it was something to be ashamed of. Can you imagine?! LOL. So, You Go Girl! The world needs more like you.

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Thank you ! ❤️🥰

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I think it's a great idea with the added, embedded benefit of generating more human relationships, also good for health. The more we remove profit and agenda from the mediating forces currently running our seriously damaged (if not dangerous) system, the better. - Feels doable too.

Thanks for sharing!

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