Jul 2, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

Having been "shown the door" because of my choice not to be injected with the poison in Rhode Island, I totally get what you're feeling. I've decided to let go of the string though. I let it go for myself, my wife, my grown kids, my new patients and friends here in the Free State of NH, and for my mental and physical well being. I have not forgotten the way that I was treated like a criminal, I've just decided to let it go. Maybe this story I wrote a few months back will help you...

I heard an enlightening story about a man that was productive and well respected in his town. This man was walking through the marketplace and saw a string on the ground. He stopped to pick it up thinking to himself that he could repurpose that string to do something useful. At just that moment, someone noticed that their wallet was missing and saw the man bending to pick something up and put it in his pocket. The person that lost his wallet confronted the man and told him that he saw the man pick his wallet up and put it in his pocket. The man quickly pulled the string out of his pocket and said that he didn’t find a wallet, he just found a piece of string and put it in his pocket but the person didn’t believe him and called him a thief. In fact, that person became very vocal about it and told everyone in the town that the man had stolen his wallet and wouldn’t give it back. Most of the people in town believed the person who lost their wallet and began to treat the man like a thief.

At this point, the man was at a crossroads. He had only two choices to decide between. Either he could ignore the people who falsely accused him and continue to work and do good things in his community OR defend himself and carry a grudge against the person who wronged him and lied about him.

He just couldn’t allow his ego and reputation to be tarnished because of a false accusation so he went to every person that would listen and took the string out of his pocket telling his side of the story explaining that it wasn’t a wallet that he picked up. “It was a string, it was just a piece of string” he would exclaim. This went on for months and then years and then decades long after each person in town had decided to believe him or not. But years later he was still talking about his innocence and that piece of string. Many people couldn’t even remember the incident but he carried that string everywhere he went repeating his story until everyone thought him a fool and just tried their best to avoid him and his story.

One day, when the man was alone and very old on his deathbed, his last words were said to be, “It was a string. It was just a piece of string.”

That story woke me up.

I realized that the time to hold a grudge against the government that made it impossible for me to practice my profession without proof of the biological agent in my arm, against the people who were vocal about me not wanting to take their shot and called me a ‘grandma killer’ for not taking it, against the people who would not let me into the supermarket in Rhode Island to get groceries without wearing that scientifically useless mask, and on and on and on… NEEDED to be OVER. That story was my PIECE OF STRING and nobody wants to hear about it, nobody needs to hear about it and it won’t change anybody’s opinion as to whether or not I was wrong or wrongly judged.

What happened to me in the past isn’t important. Whether it was having my home destroyed in a tornado or fighting Blue Cross in Federal Court or nearly being disabled by a torn disc or losing my practice because of a plandemic isn’t important. They’re all PIECES of STRING and I need to let them go.

I have nothing to prove anymore and my only focus should be on the present. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Going forward, I’m not going to try to defend myself and I am certainly not going to carry a piece of string. I’d much rather continue to serve God by serving His Children through Chiropractic and by being a good husband, father, friend, author and mentor.

What Piece of String are you carrying around? What grudge are you holding? How are they holding YOU back? What will you do about that? I hope you make the right decision.

In Health and Faith,

Dr. Jay Korsen

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Thank you! Yes, hopefully I am just about there.

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Eckhart Tolle gives a similar take in his book "A New Earth"

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

What state did you move to? We moved from Marin 2017 just as TDS was taking hold.

I am grateful I wasn't in the bay area during COVID. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Everyone I know there bought into it hook, line, and sinker.

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Georgia! Lots of blue and purple here but.. seems to be a different set of values when it comes to respecting people’s differences and choices.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

Hey "CM", this is great! I'm hooked. Looking forward to what comes next. I totally sympathize with how you felt about having your "heart" ripped out by all you experienced a few years ago that drove you from your home town. I'm still dealing with my negative feelings about the loss of the special relationship I had with my college friends of 58 years over this same issue. Yes, we're back in touch, but we haven't seen each other in 5 years, except on zoom which is always so "painfully" painful! lol. It'll just never be the same. "The Rev" suggests that I engage in some kind of "mourning" activity maybe using the medium of a collage (which I like to do) to express the grief I feel over this loss. Then maybe I can let it go. Maybe we can also learn from and help each other.

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Thank you! Cheers to moving forward. I think Part 3 will be about acceptance. More soon

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Jan 19Liked by The Critical Middle

One of my earliest memories is going to McDonald’s in SF. A homeless guy walked into the store, came over to our table, picked up my burger and took a bite out of it and then put it back down in front of me.

Good times!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

I think if you are not screaming F U at this point, there is something wrong with you. It's called plan F - the F off plan. Hope your move went well.

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Thank you! It has been amazing. I need to write about it. Soon..

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

I just found your substack and I really enjoy your writing. Looking forward to reading more ☺️

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More, please!! Can't wait to read the next installment...

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Soon! So happy we connected Mary

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Me too!! ❤️

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