I hold San Francisco dear to my heart. It was where my family moved from Montana when we relocated to California. It saddens me to see the decay. But it’s not just SF, you see it everywhere here in California cities. It’s like the fall of the 2nd Roman Empire.

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Jan 11Liked by The Critical Middle

Mainly democrat run cities if we're to be honest.

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Jan 19Liked by The Critical Middle

I worked in SF for 20 years, and watched it _literally_ turn to shit under the violent far left, which is utterly intolerant of even the slightest dissent.

I was once a Democrat myself, but now I see that our real danger comes from the resentful left. It was never about justice or anything other then resentment of anyone more competent or happier than themselves. Cain and Abel. They would rather kill you than let you be happy when they are not.

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Thanks for restacking this!

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Jan 11Liked by The Critical Middle

That must really piss off all the elites in SF who paid so much for their properties. SF was one of the most expensive cities in the country. Now it's a cesspool. Those same elites let this happen so I really don't feel sorry for them. Least of all Nancy Pelosi - what a train wreck that woman is.

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There is a critical middle. It seems as if many of us share an understanding of history. For me, it was the Holocaust. I don't know why - but I was obsessed with Holocaust fiction as a child. I was going to be like Eliza in Thoene's Zion Covenant (or Zion Chronicles) series - willing to risk it all to save a Jewish life. I was blessed to have had the incredible influence of my paternal Grandmother, a strong Southern woman, educated (I believe the first college grad in my family tree), a strong Christian, always on the outside - who taught us to treat everyone with dignity and respect - a belief not widely held at that time in my small Mississippi hometown. Those lessons of childhood stuck with me, proper grammar, critical thinking, knowing history, treating others with respect, the faith I was surrounded by from birth...so when God gave me clear direction, I followed. He has given me strength and courage as my professional life was destroyed. He has provided. I hope I am raising my children to be critical thinkers, responsible, considerate of others, kind. I know I am raising them to know history. God bless you and keep writing.

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Thank you Jennifer 🙏🏻❤️ are you still in the South?

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North Carolina

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

Hey "CM" thank you for sharing your story. I really enjoyed the inclusion of the video "We Are The World". It brought tears to my eyes, and brought me back to a simpler and more honest time when we all believed that we were "One." It also reminded me of "Hands Across America" that took place the next year. My husband and our 2 sons stood out on I-40 in NM with many others. It was exhilarating.

It was also connected with U.S.A. Africa. I want to believe Jeff Childers when he says; "we only need a third of us.. to retain our love for one another, critical thinking skills, and unity in the face of unjust acts."

The part I have trouble with is "calming" discussing important topics with those we don't agree with. I tried at the beginning of the pandemic to do that but I lost my cool, mainly because I was so outnumbered in my friend groups. They used to criticize me for being an idealist too, which was before covid. They said I was naive, and my expectations were too high. Things only happen incrementally, they said, but I couldn't accept that. And now I don't know where I am on the continuum. I wonder if there's such a thing as a "cynical idealist", or is that an oxymoron?? LOL. Tell us more about your story.

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Yeah. Some people are not capable of it. Unfortunately many of those are friends or family. But.. there are so many of us who get it and still others who are not closed off. I think we just need to be deliberate about who we spend the most time with. I would love to spend more with other reasonable people.

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Happy Independence Day, from one idealist to another. Wouldn't want to be any other way, no matter how many times I get disappointed... xox

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It’s a daily struggle! I draw on the optimism of others - your Substack is a beautiful source of positivity. 🙏🏻❤️

Either I resign myself to fear the majority of “good Germans” among us, and all that comes with living in fear.. or I choose the potentially naive hope that there are enough propaganda-resistant, thinking people to keep us on track.

I believe the pandemic policies were not just a one-time accidental off-course expedition. If we do not learn and push back, we may be in for Round 2 - climate hysteria.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by The Critical Middle

Thank you

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Thanks for sharing this at my site. Most cities are dying right in front of our eyes. There are still presentable areas, but even those are falling into disrepair if you just look closely.

And the bad parts we never see or rarely visit ... look like war zones or Third World countries.

I hope your grandfather's wisdom was right!

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Thank you. Me too! I do think he is right.

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Thanks to the communist left. CA will never recover. Not in a decade. Not in 100 years. The damage inflicted by prince hair gel et al is irrevocable.

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I think it depends... will people connect the current state with policy? The connection is not hard to follow, but yet..

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My experience tells me that the great majority of voters in CA are dumb as a box of rocks. They do not connect the lack of quality of their lives with who they vote for because of those who were able to FLEE CA and relocated to a red state, they continue to vote for the same set of blue communist leftards, the ones who made the state they just escaped from completely unlivable/unsustainable.

Never underestimate the absolute idiocy of the average person. Most people are DUMB.

That's a fact. And anyone who has a public facing position and has to deal with them can attest to it 100%.

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