Thx, CM. Love your thoughts here. I was living in an apartment building filled with fellow artists who used to come knock on my door when they needed a remedy - like Elderberry syrup or an herbal tea or tincture. Then THE C hit and I became a pariah in the bldg where only one person to an elevator became the required norm. IDK what it was that unleashed in me but I refused to wear a mask or stand on any stickers on the floor. I'd worked too hard on my own healing. I ended up moving to the country in November of 2020.

That being said, whenever I let my mind wander to "wouldn't an apology be nice?" I think back to my 30-something-year-old married self with two young children, still living in the allopathic world, and I wonder what my reaction would have been back then. That's when all judgment falls away and I just let it go. We are all at different points on our path. I think it's wasted energy to hold a grudge with the masses who complied. I sure do hope people aren't falling for the "Bird Flu."

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Wise words.

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Well, I am a Crone... :) Thank you, Kathleen! XO

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I think you're onto something. ^_^

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Jun 13Liked by The Critical Middle


I'm going to finally get to your last two posts, TODAY! lol Hugs!

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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

So, this is a piece I wrote on my blog to fellow Chiropractors...

I Need To Share Something Raw And Unfiltered And Something I’m Ashamed Of And I’m Working On It (this is not a post from my life's highlight reel)

I saw two posts from two ‘chiropractors’ who tout themselves as principled Chiropractors and yet every time I see their names it angers me. One of them proudly announced that they got and advocated getting the experimental gene therapy shot when it came out and the other told our profession to crawl up into a little hole and not to practice for fear of having the profession blamed for someone getting sick in our offices for not closing down until the scam/plan-demic was ‘over’. I Do Not Forgive Them, I Will Not Forget and their names still make me sick to my stomach.

I know of several churches that shut down because the state told them it was unsafe to hold church during the scam/plan-demic. They preached that Jesus was Jehovah Rapha (the great healer) but when the rubber met the road, they didn’t believe that and the mandates separated the wheat from the chaff. I know a church that closed for a week to pray and figure out what to do and then decided to stay open and I respect that pastor immensely. The Catholic Church’s official stance was that their members needed to take the experimental gene therapy as a social obligation even though they knew it was made with aborted fetal tissue. Perfect Love casts out all fear and yet many churches proved they do not know Him who is Love. I’m still Angered by that and I Do Not Forgive Them And I Will Not Forget.

People I thot were ‘friends’, colleagues and family that lectured me about getting the experimental gene therapy and then turned their back on me when they knew I would not waiver, I Do Not Forgive Them And I Will Not Forget.

The RI Department of Health mandating a dangerous experimental gene therapy and making it illegal for me to continue in my livelihood and disrupting my life and my wife’s life, I Do Not Forgive Them And I Will Not Forget.

The places of work that forced their employees to get the dangerous experimental gene therapy or lose their jobs, I Do Not Forgive Them And I Will Not Forget.

The government that made up non-scientific un-social distancing, masking and lying about the safety and efficacy of the experimental gene therapy, I Do Not Forgive You And I Will Not Forget.

To myself for not standing my ground and fighting the government and going to jail if need be for staying open and challenging the mandates, I Do Not Forgive Myself and I Will Not Forget.

It’s been a few years now and I still have so much anger and unforgiveness in my heart. God has rebuilt my practice in a new place and I still can not let go of the anger inside of me when I sit quietly and think about it. I pray for that feeling of hate and unforgiveness to leave me.

I think that part of my hangup is because of two tattoos. They were simple tattoos with numbers across the forearm of two of my grandparent’s friends. As children Mr. and Mrs. Conde told my brother and I about the atrocities that happened to them in the concentration camp they were in. They told us about the experimental drugs used on them, about being shunned and turned in to the authorities by people they thought were friends and neighbors, about not being able to gather in temples to pray, about losing their homes, jobs and relatives. AND all they asked of us was to Remember Those Atrocities, Never Forget and tell others so it wouldn’t happen again. Not all of those things happened during the scam/plan-demic but a lot of it did and that makes me all the more angry.

I am aware that Jesus died a horrible death on the cross for me to cover my mistakes and sins and in turn I should forgive those that have trespassed against me. I should just turn the other cheek and forgive 7 x 70 times as Jesus asked me to and yet it’s become one of the most difficult things I’ve ever tried to do. I’m ashamed that I haven’t yet completely forgiven and I’m working on it. If you’ve figured out how to do it, let me know.

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This book really impacted me. It’s about forgiveness in unimaginable circumstances. I met the author.. happens to be a chiropractor.


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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

Thank you.

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I so honor your desire and attempt to let go of your anger; wanting to forgive moves you closer to it, obviously, yet there are plenty of others who have no inclination whatsoever to let go of those emotions.

I'm curious... did Mr. and Mrs. Conde ever tell you whether they had been able to forgive those who committed the atrocities?

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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

You know, I was about 9 or 10 at the time and my brother was about 5 or 6 so I suppose I never got around to asking those types of questions. I remember that they didn't sugar coat anything that happened to them in Auschwitz even though we were young. They definitely wanted to leave an indelible mark on us.

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I understand. I asked because I do think remembering and never forgetting are essential. How else can we learn?

But forgiveness is essential too -- for the health and wellbeing of the forgiver. It's excruciatingly difficult, for sure, and it takes concerted effort. I'm fortunate that I'm married to someone who facilitates that kind of deep work, so I've been able to let go of a lot of trauma/anger. I highly recommend finding help... it's very hard to do it alone.

There are variations on this cliche, but it's still a good one: Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die. To follow that analogy... I hope you find an emetic ❤️. Freedom awaits.

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Thanks for sharing! Sent you a DM

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Jun 13Liked by The Critical Middle

Thanks for your honesty. I so relate. I think it takes a while, and this is a whopper of a thing to forgive. Maybe it's not necessary to utterly forgive, but to try and understand them seems to help me... Empathy. I go back and forth, every day, being angry and then letting it ebb away, and get on with things. It's gotten a lot better, but it's still there, and I just give it up to my Creator, and let it go. For the day. After I've growled and barked to myself a bit. xo xo

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I struggle to comprehend how it is that we are the ones to carry the guilt and shame of a lacknof forgiveness towards those who committed the uktimae betrayal against God by allowing themselves to be genetically.mutated into a non human form. Those of us who stood up for the Creator against the Transhumanist agenda are somehow less godly now because we aren't forgiving the ultimate sin? Committed and rationalized away by our brothers and sisters who condemned us to death, removal from society, prison sentences etc?

Help. I'm confused. This goes against everything I was taught in Catholicism regarding honoring without compromise God'sr creation.

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Jun 13Liked by The Critical Middle

Don't assume that you've got it "figured out." That always gets me into trouble, because then we just forget about other reasons and assume we're thrashing around being all pissed off and righteous when we may not really "get it." It's because we're just ONE person, and we can't know or feel everyone's thoughts or hearts.

It's been a real journey for me to start to understand that I cannot know exactly what other people feel/think because I don't have their history, their current situation, or what they dream of or aspire to... We're all bonking around in a kind of darkness, to some degree, and it takes SUPREME discipline, in my opinion, to be able to LET GO of that need to "get it" and then "pass judgment."

I think you can HONOR anything, just remember you don't have ALL the information, and never will. That's why God invented TRUST. xo xo

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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

Excellent! CM. You hit the nail on the head. 2 years ago when I commented on one of your "rage of the unvaccinated" articles I was looking for apologies, but I finally realized what an unhealthy place that was to be, so I gave it up, (for the most part) because it wasn't going to help to bring us all back together at all. At least that's what motivated me back then, but even having that expectation may not be what's needed either. Time does change our perspective, doesn't it? Today I came across one of those painted rocks that said: "May you heal from the things no one ever apologized for." And so may we all.

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Wow. Yes

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Your wisdom about forgiveness really resonates with me. Thank you.

It’s rare in life that we receive a “clean” apology when we’ve been wronged. As you mentioned, waiting for one just holds us back. This is especially true with the ones hoodwinked by the gospel that “all the ‘good’ people are getting it.” (With the implication that all the bad people did not)

That nasty, ruthless psyop of constant fear disabled our critical thinking and shoved us rudely into enemy tribes. I’ve become hypersensitive to it and find myself perceiving the nefarious “implants” in someone’s belief system and finding ways to detour around it in conversations. Confronting it head on only confirms cognitive biases. It’s like having to rebuild trust in relationships that are decades old. It’s a perplexing time to be alive, isn’t it?

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"It’s a perplexing time to be alive, isn’t it?" Oh, my ain't that the truth!

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You can say that again! :) Thank you for reading and for your kind words. I have had some practice in the forgiveness game!

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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

You endured much more negative consequences of the anti-vaxxer psyops than me, CM. Yet I always wonder, when I want an apology, what it is that I'll need to apologize for a year from now. It seems like every year I look back and think, "I can't believe I thought that."

Government deception didn't start four years ago or psychological manipulation.

How many people have lost homes or never had the ability to buy them because of our belief that bankers should create the money? The national debt is money the US borrows from bankers, who've usurped the most important function of gov't to create the money backed by the properties, and thereby control our labor.

RFKj should know better--his dad and uncle did. In my book I quote from RFK sr's speech on how the GDP "measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." Wendall Berry calls it 'the fever chart of our consumption.' The reason it's gone up is inflation, which should be called dilution--the amount of money needed to be earned in order to buy less housing.

I will risk being rude, because I think it's so important. Those who went along with the authority systems of medicine, government and corporations would likely say, "It's not my job to understand virology! That's what experts are for. How, between doing my job and raising my family, was I supposed to do my own research too?"

Does the same logic apply to economics? Is this a topic, like medicine, where we feel justified in leaving it to the experts? Where we adamantly feel it's not our responsibility to ask questions and research the answers?

RFKj and Charles Eisenstein are looking to usher in crypto-currencies as I talk about here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/deep-fakes-eisenstein-and-rfk. I'm not saying I have the answer, but that I'm asking the question of what we want. And very few women are engaging on that question--meaning that whatever answer 'they' give will certainly not serve families.

My two-cents ;-)

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Thanks, CM.

I think all of us who were perceived as the problem and were treated poorly, desired an apology. That's human. And yes, it would be comforting to think they know they went a little nuts and won't do it again. Like the world makes a little more sense again.

I have definitely given up on expecting it and never even think about it anymore.

Love Cate Montana's stack! Nice you found it. And loved this - very real and relatable.

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Jun 13Liked by The Critical Middle

My brothers destroyed me in public, largely to do with "Covid" and also Statins, and also GREED and power-trippin'. And an apology would be lovely! But I doubt I'll get it and frankly, I've grown so much since all this started, I really don't NEED it anymore. Life is never hell if we can rise above our own fear.

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Jun 12Liked by The Critical Middle

Good thankyou, yes this undercurrent hangs around at gigs when I wear my tin foil hat. This year I shall embrace a vax fanatic shedding tin foil upon them. Xj

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I love this article and your wise perspective, thank you! I think there is a continuum of awareness that runs all the way from ‘I’m right and you’re bad/crazy’ to ‘I was wrong, I’m so sorry’. I think a lot of people have quiet misgivings about the Covid madness but haven’t yet reached the point of changing their overall perspective.

In my home country of Australia we had an awful policy in the 1940s-1960s whereby indigenous children were forcibly taken from their families and adopted by white families so they could be ‘assimilated’. Although most people probably knew this was wrong by the 1980s it was not until 2007 that our government had the moral courage to formally apologise to the ‘Stolen Generations’. The truth will always come out and prevail eventually, once society is ready to recognise it.

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Aug 17Liked by The Critical Middle

Very refreshing and very relatable. Thank you! 😎

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Jun 13Liked by The Critical Middle

Ah! Found you. One more Like-Minded, that feels better than an apology, maybe!

Cheers. ^_^

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Jun 13Liked by The Critical Middle

So far I've only seen one public apology, from a man who didn't need to apologize. He was a priest who had followed instructions and locked down and required ballgags. He wasn't in a position of power and certainly had no part in the evil decisions. He was just doing his duty in the hierarchy. Nevertheless, he's the only one out of millions who had the guts to confess his sins.


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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

Each time we meet face to face, one of my first questions is “have you gotten any apologies yet?”

NO, and there never will be from any of those who manufactured it all

They would need a conscience and to have one, you need a soul.

Perhaps most pathetic are those who bought it all based on what they were spoon fed by

the govt. and MSM that enabled it

Mom used to say "They are to be pitied rather than censored". Perhaps that is what

I must do when it comes to family and friends who attacked me for my NON compliance

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Yes… for me its a variation of that.. humans have been and always will be susceptible to manipulation. Many people fall prey to it - including ourselves, at different moments in time. Lucky us that we knew better this time. It was a lonely, terrifying road, but we don’t have to worry about SADS!

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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

I smelled a rat almost immediately

I began to research and found interviews on DayStar


The discussions with REPUTABLE provided the support I needed

About the same time my naturopath wanted to speak to me.

During my appt he outlined an alternative

protocol (he was already networking with reputable prior to '20)

His final words were chilling: "The fallout from all of it will be far worse than the


He was correct and still is

death, maiming, destruction of livelihoods, some so severe they took their

own lives

Finally, lockdowns, masks, distancing did NOTHING to contain Spanish Flu and yet

they rolled out same in '20 assuring that it would save lives

I credit God first for my ability to see through the fog, and my naturopath for

outlining what has kept me alive for 4+ years while 2 friends have died and many

have been sick more than once, one now with long term COVID (since last Nov)

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I was fortunate to have guidance from a naturopath too!

Shared some slides from a very balanced presentation they gave on studies of covid jabs and transmission. Facebook censored it. Summer 2021.

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Jun 11Liked by The Critical Middle

Here in Orygun little girl governor Katie determined that NO RX for Ivermectin would be allowed for treatment/prophylaxis

Her enforcers were pharmacists who would report any LICENSED physician for even attempting

NOTHING has changed under the present 'governor'

BTW little girl governor Brown holds a degree in environmental


The present 'governor' is degreed in 'religious studies' and

a master's in comparative religion and yet THEY decide

over LICENSED physicians what is best for a patient

THIS is just one example of how sick what was once Oregon has


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But you don't need Ivermectin. Why would you?

That said, I live in WA, and the whole west coast is like WOKE HELL.

Don't be sucked into the glob of it... There are PLENTY of us that don't subscribe. xo

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I hope I'm not being heavy-handed... You don't know me, but I'm not a bad dog, lol. I think you might find this page very informative...


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I have no idea who Christine Massey

I trust the REPUTABLE who

were interviewed on DayStar e.g. McCullough, Zelenko, Gold, Siri, Bartlett, Urso, Cole,

Lt. Col David Trombly, etc. . and my naturopath who provided the alternative that has kept me going for 4+ years


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Christine Massey is a Canadian scientist who has been, for a WHILE now, sending out FOIA’s to labs and doctors and companies all over the world, asking for PROOF of viruses and other pertinent questions. So far, out of HUNDREDS of requests, there has been NO PROOF. If anyone is trustworthy, it’s Massey, and I don’t trust easily. But whatever suits you. ^_^

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No proof of any viral activity found among humanity


Spanish Flu


Small Pox (the viola virus)


Hemorrhagic Fever

are just a few of what she believes do not exist

'So far, out of HUNDREDS of requests, there has been NO PROOF.'

I learned long ago to never dignify horse manure as it means

you are wallowing in what has no value

Perhaps that is why she never received a reply in querying others.

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PS: These "symptoms" that many of us have? Are the SAME symptoms as EMF poisoning... FYI.

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